Family Tree Coverage
1 - Prupis Family Tree
Links for the Prupis Family Tree
- Pauline Yochel
- Joseph Prupis
- Ester Feldman
- Rose Rothbard
- Sophie Bennett
- Jack Prupis and Adele Prupis
- Pearl
- Louis Prupis
- Louis Prupis -- Documentation Updated Jan 30, 2001 10:21 AM EST
2 - Prupas and Propas Family Tree -- (Canadian)
Links for the Prupas and Propas Family Tree
- Friedman
- Nuchan Yitschok
- Benjamen
3 - The Prupas Family Tree -- (Canadian) -- Lost Families
Links for the Prupas and Propas Family Tree -- (Canadian) -- Lost Families
4 - The Proops Family Tree -- (Amsterdam) 1640 to 1792
Links for the Proops Family Tree -- (Amsterdam) 1640 to 1792
- Joseph Proops
- Devora
- David Proops
- Solomon Proops
- Proops Family History
- Printers' Remarks
5 - The Proopis and Propis Family Tree
The Proopis and Propis Family Tree
- Yoal Proopis Updated Feb 1 10:24 PM EST
- Michel Proopis
- Abraham Proopis Updated Feb 2 5:55 PM EST
- Bella Hozz
- Rachel Rivkin
- FirstName? Kagen f.
- Proopis Family History
6 - The Proopis Family Tree -- (USA)
The Proopis Family Tree -- (USA)
7 - Eisef Prupis Families
The "Marianna" Prupis Family Tree -- (USA)
- "Meyer/Eisef/Marianna" Prupis Families
- WordPress: Eisef Prupis
- The Marianna's Letter and the Grid
8 - Lost Propis/Prupis/Proopis Families
The Prupis Family Tree -- (USA)
9 - Inaccuracies
If you are familiar with any of the Families listed above, or are part of the listed Families,
and found any inaccuracies that can be corrected, please e-mail me at