
Three References to Basic Security Cam Questions

Specific Requests and Questions for Security Cameras

Note that the rest of this page is similar to SecurityCamerasInfo.html

Specific Requests

  1. Go to Top
  2. Outdoor Cameras to withstand weather
  3. Can an Outdoor Camera be placed on the pole with the three bulbs in the front yard ?
  4. Indoor Cameras should have a way to turn off for privacy
  5. All Cameras have backup battery incase electricity is cut off
  6. All cameras send video to the cloud, to be kept for the latest 24 hours
  7. If video is stored on a hard drive in a box, can that box be hidden from intruders ?
  8. Think of a system to keep wifi on when electricity is off, even for 20 to 30 minutes
  9. Should we get cameras with motion detectors ? And how to set the sensitivity of them

Questions - Power Backup

  1. Go to Top
  2. Can we purchase what I use to call a brick, that will give the wifi, cable box, and Recorder/Controller, power for 20 or 30 minutes ?
  3. Can the backup power and equipment be tested periodically ?
  4. Can the brick, Recorder/Controller, and wiring be hidden from an Intruder ?

Other Questions

  1. Go to Top
  2. If video is stored on a hard drive in a box ie:Recorder, can that Recorder/Controller be hidden from intruders ?
  3. Can the views from the camera be displayed on different devices, iPads, Cell Phones, Computers, Smart TVs ?
  4. Can we have simultanous views from all the cameras ?
  5. Can we have zoom in and out control ?
  6. We do not want a limit on how many people can view the cameras. Some systems have a limit of 2 or 4 users.
  7. Can specific people be granted permissions on certain cameras and not all cameras ?
  8. Can we have night vision ?
  9. Can other types of Cameras, not used for the security system, use the same Viewing System as the Security Cameras ?
  10. Can I have a tower in the back yard that goes up 30 feet with several features:

Morris Friend


Version: 2022-12-03-05:00PM